警方在奥克兰南部和怀卡托地区搜寻失踪的 60 岁老人 Ronny Okeke 40 天;寻找 4 月 27 日至 28 日期间的行车记录仪录像。 40-day search for missing 60-year-old Ronny Okeke in southern Auckland and Waikato areas; police seek dashcam footage between April 27-28.
警方仍在继续搜寻失踪的 60 岁老人 Ronny Okeke,搜寻工作已持续了 40 天;警方将重点关注奥克兰南部和怀卡托地区,呼吁民众提供 4 月 27 日至 28 日期间从开迈山脉到拉马拉马地区的行车记录仪拍摄的视频。 40-day search continues for missing 60-year-old Ronny Okeke; police focus on southern Auckland and Waikato areas, appealing for dashcam footage from the Kaimai Ranges to Ramarama region between April 27-28. 侦缉警长格伦·鲍德温表示:“这仍然是一个失踪人口调查,但考虑到距离罗尼上次得到消息已经过去了很长时间,我们自然对他非常担忧。” Detective Inspector Glenn Baldwin: "This is still a missing person's enquiry, but naturally we have serious concerns for Ronny given the length of time since he was last heard from."