据亚美尼亚教育、科学、文化和体育部长称,Snoop Dogg 的埃里温音乐会最初被推迟,可能会于 8 月举行。 Snoop Dogg's Yerevan concert, initially postponed, may take place in August, according to Armenia's Minister of Education, Science, Culture, and Sport.
据亚美尼亚教育、科学、文化和体育部长 Zhanna Andreasyan 透露,说唱歌手 Snoop Dogg 的埃里温音乐会可能会于今年 8 月举行。 Rapper Snoop Dogg's Yerevan concert may take place in August this year, according to Armenia's Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport Zhanna Andreasyan. 这场音乐会原定于 2023 年 9 月举行,但由于阿塞拜疆袭击阿尔察赫而被推迟。 The concert, initially scheduled for September 2023, was postponed following Azerbaijan's attack on Artsakh. 主办公司预计将提供三个音乐会日期,并从中选择最合适的日期。 The organizing company is expected to present three dates for the concert, from which the most suitable one will be chosen.