一辆泰姬陵快运列车在德里东南部的萨里塔维哈发生三节车厢火灾,所幸未造成人员伤亡。 A fire broke out in three coaches of Taj Express train in southeast Delhi's Sarita Vihar, causing no casualties.
周一,在德里东南部的萨里塔维哈尔,泰姬陵快车的三节车厢发生火灾,所幸乘客成功疏散,无人员伤亡。 A fire broke out in three coaches of the Taj Express train in southeast Delhi's Sarita Vihar on Monday, causing no casualties as passengers successfully evacuated. 火灾发生在奥卡拉(Okhla)和图格拉卡巴德(Tughlakabad)火车站之间,火灾原因尚不清楚,当局目前正在调查此事。 The fire occurred between Okhla and Tughlakabad railway stations and the cause remains unknown, with authorities currently investigating the incident. 火车于下午3点从新德里火车站出发。 The train departed from New Delhi Railway Station at 3 pm.