包括澳大利亚广播公司 (ABC) 在内的 15 家澳大利亚媒体成为代号为“超载行动”的亲俄影响活动的目标。 15 Australian media outlets, including the ABC, were targeted by a pro-Russian influence campaign called Operation Overload.
研究人员发现,包括澳大利亚广播公司 (ABC) 在内的 15 家澳大利亚媒体成为了代号为“超载行动”的亲俄影响活动的目标。 15 Australian media outlets, including the ABC, were targeted by a pro-Russian influence campaign dubbed Operation Overload, researchers found. 该活动影响了全球 800 多个组织,旨在左右公众舆论反对乌克兰。 The campaign, which has affected over 800 organizations globally, aims to sway public opinion against Ukraine. 尽管经过多次尝试,但所有被针对的澳大利亚媒体均未受到攻击。 Despite the attempts, none of the targeted Australian outlets were compromised.