15 岁的庞蒂亚克高中学生卡莉·威廉姆斯 (Kallie Williams) 刚搬到这个地区并且没有家人陪伴,自上周四以来一直失踪。 15-year-old Pontiac High School student Kallie Williams, new to the area with no known family, has been missing since last Thursday.
庞蒂亚克高中 15 岁学生卡莉·威廉姆斯 (Kallie Williams) 自上周四以来一直失踪,此前她被标记为在所有课程中都出席。 15-year-old Kallie Williams, a Pontiac High School student, has been missing since last Thursday after being marked present in all her classes. 卡莉刚搬到这个地区,没有认识的家人,最后一次露面时身穿灰色卡其色短裤和黑色拉链夹克。 Kallie, new to the area with no known family, was last seen wearing gray khaki shorts and a black zip-up jacket. 奥克兰县警长办公室正在寻求公众帮助寻找她,联系电话是 248-858-4950。 The Oakland County Sheriff's Office is seeking public assistance in locating her and can be contacted at 248-858-4950.