电视主持人凯特·加拉维 (Kate Garraway) 在丈夫德里克 (Derek) 去世后首次与家人一起旅行,驾驶她的新沃尔沃车前往康沃尔,粉丝们建议以德里克的名字命名这款车。 TV presenter Kate Garraway took her first family trip since husband Derek's death, visiting Cornwall with her new Volvo car, which fans suggested naming after Derek.
电视节目主持人凯特·加拉维 (Kate Garraway) 的丈夫德里克 (Derek) 去世后,她第一次和家人一起外出旅行,每年都会去康沃尔,她开着新买的沃尔沃车出行。 TV presenter Kate Garraway marked the first family trip since her husband Derek's death with an annual Cornwall visit, accompanied by her new Volvo car. 该车具有安全蜂鸣警报功能,这在家庭旅行期间非常有用。 The car features safety beep alerts, which will be useful during the family trip. 粉丝们建议用德里克的名字来命名这辆车,并称赞凯特延续了他们家族的传统。 Fans suggested naming the car after Derek, and praised Kate for continuing their family tradition. 由于德里克的公司 Astra Aspera 倒闭,她面临着财务挑战。 She is facing financial challenges from the closure of Derek's business, Astra Aspera.