《信息战争》主持人亚历克斯·琼斯指责当局威胁关闭他的工作室并试图进行非法突袭。 Alex Jones, InfoWars host, accused authorities of threatening to shut down his studio and attempting an unlawful raid.
阴谋论电台主持人亚历克斯·琼斯 (Alex Jones) 在节目中声称,当局威胁要关闭他的工作室,并指责他们试图非法夺取《信息战争》工作室。 Alex Jones, conspiracy theorist radio host, claimed on his show that authorities have threatened to shut down his studio and accused them of trying to illegally seize InfoWars studios. 他称自己是遭受虐待的目标,其犯罪指控并不属实。 He stated that he was targeted for abuse, and his claims of committing crimes were untrue. 琼斯准备打电话给当地警方,并在他的工作室里过夜,以防止他的财产遭到非法突袭。 Jones prepared to call local police and spent the night in his studio to prevent an unlawful raid on his property.