明尼苏达州 10 个城市在家庭养育方面的排名:普利茅斯以 10/10 的家庭评分位居榜首,罗斯蒙特在安全、学校和活动方面排名第一。 10 Minnesota cities ranked for family-raising: Plymouth tops with 10/10 Family Score, Rosemount best for safety, schools, and activities.
HomeSnacks 根据犯罪率、学校质量、家庭友好设施等因素,评选出了明尼苏达州最适合养家糊口的十大城市。 HomeSnacks has ranked the top 10 cities in Minnesota for raising a family, based on factors like crime rate, school quality, family-friendly amenities. 普利茅斯以 10/10 的完美“家庭评分”位居榜首,其次是罗斯蒙特,得分为 7.5/10。 Plymouth tops the list with a perfect "Family Score" of 10/10, followed by Rosemount at 7.5/10. 其他主要城市包括伊根、枫树林、伍德伯里、埃迪纳、沙科皮、布莱恩、萨维奇、明尼通卡和库恩拉皮兹。 Other top cities include Eagan, Maple Grove, Woodbury, Edina, Shakopee, Blaine, Savage, Minnetonka, and Coon Rapids. 罗斯蒙特因其安全性、一流的学校和适合家庭的活动而被评为最佳。 Rosemount is deemed the best for its safety, great schools, and family-friendly activities.