前重量级拳王迈克·泰森与杰克·保罗的拳击比赛因泰森的健康问题而推迟。 Former heavyweight champ Mike Tyson's boxing match with Jake Paul postponed due to Tyson's health issues.
前重量级拳王迈克·泰森与社交媒体明星杰克·保罗的拳击比赛因泰森的健康问题(包括溃疡发作)而被推迟。 Former heavyweight champ Mike Tyson's boxing match with social media star Jake Paul has been postponed due to Tyson's health issues, including an ulcer flare-up. 这场比赛原定于 7 月 20 日举行,由于医生建议泰森限制训练数周,比赛被推迟。 The fight, originally scheduled for July 20, has been postponed after doctors recommended Tyson limit training for several weeks. 比赛的新日期将于 6 月 7 日公布。 A new date for the match will be announced by June 7.