索尼道歉并删除了对顽皮狗联合工作室负责人 Neil Druckmann 的错误采访。 Sony apologizes and removes misrepresented interview with Naughty Dog co-studio head Neil Druckmann.
索尼为采访中对顽皮狗联合工作室负责人尼尔·德鲁克曼的错误描述表示道歉。 Sony apologizes for interview misrepresenting Naughty Dog co-studio head Neil Druckmann. 索尼删除了该采访,原因是“存在重大错误和不准确之处,不代表(他的)观点和价值观。” Sony removes interview due to "significant errors and inaccuracies that don't represent [his] perspective and values." 采访中包括德鲁克曼讨论人工智能和顽皮狗的下一款游戏的言论,但后来德鲁克曼本人对此提出了质疑。 The interview included quotes attributed to Druckmann discussing AI and Naughty Dog's next game, which were later disputed by Druckmann himself. 索尼随后删除了该采访内容并发表了道歉声明。 Sony has since issued an apology after removing the interview entirely.