64 岁的前南达科他州市长杰伊·奥斯特雷姆 (Jay Ostrem) 被指控在森特维尔犯有三项一级谋杀罪。 64-year-old ex-South Dakota mayor Jay Ostrem charged with three counts of first-degree murder in Centerville.
64 岁的南达科他州前市长杰伊·奥斯特雷姆 (Jay Ostrem) 在南达科他州森特维尔发现三名受害者死亡后面临一级谋杀指控。 Former South Dakota mayor Jay Ostrem, 64, is facing first-degree murder charges after three victims were found dead in Centerville, South Dakota. 曾担任副警长的奥斯特雷姆被捕并被指控三项一级谋杀罪。 Ostrem, who previously served as a sheriff's deputy, was arrested and charged with three counts of first-degree murder. 受害者身份尚未公布。 The victims' identities have not been released. 当局认为此次枪击事件是有预谋的,且不会对公众构成进一步威胁。 Authorities believe the shootings were premeditated and there is no further threat to the public.