5T 主席兼 BJD 领导人 VK Pandian 于 6 月 9 日宣布任命一位奥里萨邦本地人担任首席部长。 5T Chairman and BJD leader VK Pandian announced a native Odisha Chief Minister on June 9.
5T 主席兼 BJD 领导人 VK Pandian 宣布,一位奥里萨邦本地人将于 6 月 9 日就任该邦首席部长。 5T Chairman and BJD leader VK Pandian announced that a native son of Odisha will take office as the state's Chief Minister on June 9. 潘迪安批评中央政府从奥里萨邦拿走了 6000 亿卢比,而只偿还了 400 至 500 亿卢比,并指控中央政府拿走了该邦矿产资源的所有利润。 Pandian criticized the central government for taking Rs 60,000 crores from Odisha while repaying only Rs 4,000-5,000 crores, alleging that the center is taking all the profits from the state's minerals. 潘迪安声称,由于中央政府对奥里萨邦缺乏支持,因此其竞选活动对该邦的影响将微乎其微。 Pandian claimed that the central government's campaign impact in Odisha will be minimal due to their lack of support for the state.