教皇方济各在谈到教会禁止有同性恋倾向的牧师时,为其使用贬义词来形容男同性恋者而道歉。 Pope Francis apologized for using a derogatory term about gay men in a conversation about the Church's ban on priests with same-sex attractions.
教皇方济各在谈到天主教会禁止有同性恋倾向的牧师时,为其使用贬义词来形容男同性恋者而道歉。 Pope Francis apologized for using a derogatory term about gay men in a conversation about the Catholic Church's ban on priests with same-sex attractions. 教皇在接受采访时涉嫌使用贬义词,随后该机构对此表示道歉。 The apology followed the publication of an interview in which the pontiff allegedly used the derogatory term. 他的道歉被视为在天主教信仰中营造更加包容和欢迎的环境的重要一步。 His apology has been seen as an important step in fostering a more inclusive and welcoming environment within the Catholic faith.