印度登山者萨蒂亚德普·古普塔成为首位以创纪录的 11 小时 15 分钟穿越珠穆朗玛峰和洛子峰的印度人。 Indian mountaineer Satyadeep Gupta became the first Indian to traverse Mt Everest and Mt Lhotse in a record-breaking 11 hours and 15 minutes.
印度登山家萨蒂亚德普·古普塔创造了历史,他首先在一个登山季内两次攀登珠穆朗玛峰和洛子峰,其次,他成为第一位在破纪录的 11 小时 15 分钟内横跨这两座山峰的印度人。 Indian mountaineer Satyadeep Gupta made history by firstly scaling Mt Everest and Mt Lhotse twice in one season, and secondly, becoming the first Indian to traverse the two peaks in a record-breaking 11 hours and 15 minutes. 古普塔在登山向导帕斯特姆巴·夏尔巴 (Pastemba Sherpa) 和尼玛·昂迪·夏尔巴 (Nima Ungdi Sherpa) 的帮助下,在一个登山季内成功登顶珠穆朗玛峰最高峰和第四高峰,创造了世界纪录。 Gupta, aided by climbing guides Pastemba Sherpa and Nima Ungdi Sherpa, achieved the world's first Double Dual Ascent of the highest and fourth-highest peaks in one season.