三角洲市长兼大温哥华董事会主席乔治哈维 (George Harvie) 因旅行费用受到批评以及对污水处理厂成本的担忧而取消了荷兰之行。 Delta Mayor and Metro Vancouver board chair, George Harvie, cancels Netherlands trip amid criticism over travel expenses and concerns about wastewater treatment plant costs.
三角洲市市长兼大温哥华董事会主席乔治哈维 (George Harvie) 宣布,他将不会参加即将前往荷兰参加的城市排水国际会议和绿色基础设施考察之旅。 Delta's Mayor and Metro Vancouver board chair, George Harvie, announced he will not be attending an upcoming trip to the Netherlands for the International Conference on Urban Drainage and a green infrastructure study tour. 这一决定是在人们对大温哥华交通费用的批评和对北岸拟建污水处理厂成本超支的担忧中做出的。 The decision comes amid criticism over Metro Vancouver travel expenses and concerns about cost overruns for a proposed wastewater treatment plant on the North Shore. 哈维表示,他的决定是为了避免分散注意力。 Harvie stated that his decision was to avoid being a distraction.