加纳银行指示外汇管理部门停止公开宣传汇率,成立一个工作组监督合规情况,并与银行合作简化外汇支付文件。 Bank of Ghana directs forex bureaus to stop publicly advertising exchange rates, forms a task force to monitor compliance, and works with banks to streamline documentation for foreign payments.
加纳银行(BoG)指示外汇局停止公开发布汇率广告,并成立一个工作组监督合规情况并取缔非法运营商。 Bank of Ghana (BoG) directs forex bureaus to stop advertising exchange rates publicly, forms a task force to monitor compliance and eliminate illegal operators. 此举旨在让外汇市场保持理智,抑制对塞地兑主要交易货币表现的猜测。 The move aims to instill sanity in the foreign exchange market and curb speculation about the cedi's performance against major trading currencies. 加纳银行正在与加纳银行协会合作,简化外汇支付的文件要求,减少对非正规市场的激励。 BoG is working with Ghana Association of Banks to streamline documentation requirements for foreign payments, reducing incentives for informal markets.