5 月 28 日,顶级培根家族的布鲁克博拉泽西牛 60 周年纪念版邀请赛将展示精英泽西牛。 60th Anniversary Edition Invitational Sale at top-ranking Bacon family's Brookbora Jerseys showcases elite Jersey cattle on May 28th.
5 月 28 日,维多利亚州北部的 Brookbora Jerseys 乳品厂(由培根家族拥有)举办 60 周年纪念版邀请赛,展出顶级泽西牛。 60th Anniversary Edition Invitational Sale at northern Victorian dairy Brookbora Jerseys, owned by the Bacon family, showcases top-tier Jersey cattle on May 28th. 培根的牛群在平衡绩效指数中排名前 1%,并连续 30 年荣获澳大利亚泽西岛白金生产奖。 Bacon's herd ranks in the top 1% of Balanced Performance Index, holding Jersey Australia's Platinum Production Award for 30 years. 此次拍卖将展出 45 匹顶级母马、15 匹精选公马,以及来自知名饲养者的其他马匹,以庆祝泽西马的饲养成就。 The sale features 45 top females, 15 select sires, and additional lots from renowned breeders in a celebration of Jersey breeding achievements.