5STAR 于 5 月 26 日播出“商店扒窃者:被抓获的现行”,介绍商店扒窃事件以及保安团队抓捕嫌疑人的努力。 5STAR airs "Shoplifters: Caught Red Handed" on 26 May, featuring shoplifting incidents and security teams' efforts to catch suspects.
5STAR 的《商店扒窃者:被当场抓获》将于 5 月 26 日播出,展示了各种涉及商店扒窃的情况以及保安团队抓捕嫌疑人的努力。 5STAR's "Shoplifters: Caught Red Handed" airs on 26 May, showcasing various situations involving shoplifting and security teams' efforts to catch suspects in action. 从早上 8 点到中午 12 点,该系列剧跟随 Newton Abbot 和 West Orchards 的保安团队,处理盗窃电话并监视闭路电视录像以揭露真相,其中的一些嫌疑人是惯犯。 From 8am to 12pm, the series follows security teams in Newton Abbot and West Orchards, as they respond to theft calls and monitor CCTV footage to uncover the truth, with some suspects being regular offenders.