58 岁的库尔特·菲尔普斯被指控持刀袭击两人,但在奥罗诺科事件中因精神疾病被判无罪。 58-year-old Kurt Phelps, charged with attacking two with a knife, found not guilty by mental illness in Oronoco incident.
58 岁的库尔特·威廉·菲尔普斯是一名奥罗诺科州男子,他被控持刀袭击两人,奥姆斯特德县法官判处其因精神疾病无罪。 58-year-old Kurt William Phelps, an Oronoco man charged with attacking two people with a knife, has been found not guilty due to mental illness by an Olmsted County judge. 2022 年 3 月 9 日,菲尔普斯因在奥罗诺科一处住宅发生的事件而面临两项二级攻击指控。 Phelps faced two counts of second-degree assault in connection with an incident at a residence in Oronoco on March 9, 2022. 大约三个小时后,警察在屋内发现了他,浑身是血,并将其逮捕。 Deputies found him inside the house, covered in blood stains, and arrested him about three hours later.