不列颠哥伦比亚省野火救援服务中心于 5 月 24 日在苏斯瓦普山区进行空中加油机练习飞行,做好灭火准备。 BC Wildfire Service conducts airtanker practice flights in the Shuswap on May 24 for readiness.
卑诗省野火救援局计划于 5 月 24 日在彭蒂克顿以东的舒斯瓦普进行空中加油机练习飞行。 BC Wildfire Service plans airtanker practice flights in the Shuswap, east of Penticton, on May 24. 下午 1 点至 2 点之间,您可能会在汤普森-苏斯瓦普地区、南奥卡纳根和西库特尼看到从坎卢普斯和彭蒂克顿出发的空中加油机。 Between 1-2pm, air tankers departing from Kamloops and Penticton may be seen in the Thompson-Shuswap area, South Okanagan, and West Kootenays. 这些练习飞行不涉及活跃的野火;BCWS 在六天没有飞行活动后进行这些练习飞行,以确保航空团队随时准备在需要时做出响应。 These practice flights do not involve active wildfires; the BCWS conducts them after six days of no flying activity to ensure aviation teams are ready to respond when needed.