39 岁的歌手 Jelly Roll(Jared Taylor)在 ACM 大奖采访中分享道,由于他的成长经历和体型,他只穿过一次袜子。 39-year-old singer Jelly Roll (Jared Taylor) shared in an ACM Awards interview that he only wears socks once due to his upbringing and size.
39岁的歌手杰利·罗尔(Jared Taylor)在第59届ACM颁奖典礼的采访中透露,自己只穿过一次袜子。 39-year-old singer Jelly Roll (Jared Taylor) revealed in an interview at the 59th ACM Awards that he only wears socks once. 他解释说,他大量购买袜子是因为他卑微的成长环境,而且由于体型原因,他需要新袜子。 He explained his bulk sock purchases stem from his humble upbringing and his need for fresh socks due to his size. 这位歌手减掉了大约 70 磅体重,并计划在巡演前再减掉更多体重,他以诚实和坦率地分享他的减肥历程和生活经历而闻名。 The singer, who lost around 70 pounds and plans to lose more before his tour, is known for his honesty and vulnerability in sharing his weight loss journey and life experiences.