加州大学圣地亚哥分校的工程师开发了一种可穿戴超声波贴片,用于持续、无创地监测脑血流。 UC San Diego engineers developed a wearable ultrasound patch for continuous, non-invasive brain blood flow monitoring.
加州大学圣地亚哥分校的工程师开发出一种可穿戴超声波贴片,用于持续、非侵入性脑血流监测,这是可穿戴技术领域的首创。 Engineers at UC San Diego developed a wearable ultrasound patch for continuous, non-invasive brain blood flow monitoring, a first in wearable tech. 这种柔软而有弹性的贴片佩戴在太阳穴上,可以提供 3D 数据,克服了当前临床标准的局限性。 The soft, stretchy patch, worn on the temple, provides 3D data, overcoming limitations of current clinical standards. 在美国国立卫生研究院的支持下,该设备可以帮助进行脑部手术或面临中风风险的患者。 The device could aid patients during brain surgery or at stroke risk, with research backed by the National Institutes of Health.