共和党全国委员会总部被封锁。 RNC headquarters locked down.
位于华盛顿特区的共和党全国委员会 (RNC) 总部因在里面发现一个装有两瓶血液的可疑包裹而被封锁。 The Republican National Committee (RNC) headquarters in Washington D.C. was placed on lockdown after a suspicious package containing two vials of blood was found inside. 该包裹已获得国会警察的批准,但其来源和内容仍在调查中。 The package has been cleared by the Capitol Police, but its source and contents are still under investigation. 共和党全国委员会总部过去也曾面临过类似事件,包括在 2021 年 1 月 6 日国会大厦骚乱之前在民主党和共和党总部放置管状炸弹。 The RNC headquarters has faced similar incidents in the past, including the placement of pipe bombs at Democratic and Republican headquarters before the January 6, 2021, Capitol riot.