爱荷华州多起龙卷风导致格林菲尔德发生人员死亡、受伤和大面积破坏。 Multiple tornadoes in Iowa result in deaths, injuries, and extensive damages in Greenfield.
5 月 22 日,多场龙卷风在爱荷华州造成多人死亡和受伤,一场龙卷风摧毁了格林菲尔德镇,留下一片满目疮痍的景象,房屋、企业和基础设施被毁。 Multiple tornadoes caused multiple deaths and injuries in Iowa on 22 May, with a tornado destroying the town of Greenfield, leaving a devastated landscape of destroyed homes, businesses, and infrastructures. 国家气象局发出严重风暴概率较高的警报,该州的风力涡轮机也受到严重影响。 The National Weather Service issued alerts of a high chance of severe storms, and wind turbines in the state were also severely affected. 此次天气事件是在美国中西部地区发生一系列恶劣天气之后发生的。 This event follows a series of severe weather events across the US Midwest.