佐治亚州地区检察官法尼·威利斯 (Fani Willis) 指控众议员吉姆·乔丹 (Jim Jordan)。 Georgia DA Fani Willis accuses Rep. Jim Jordan.
佐治亚州地方检察官法尼·威利斯称共和党众议员吉姆·乔丹是个“小丑”,并指责共和党人以“虚假的理由”来攻击她。 Fani Willis, Georgia's District Attorney, called Republican congressman Jim Jordan a "clown" and accused Republicans of coming after her with "false reasons." 威利斯在接受MSNBC采访时声称众议院司法委员会主席吉姆乔丹多次无正当目的攻击她的办公室。 In an interview with MSNBC, Willis claimed that House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan has repeatedly attacked her office without legitimate purpose. 尽管面临威胁和人身攻击,威利斯仍表示决心继续在针对前总统特朗普及其盟友的佐治亚州 2020 年选举干预案中发挥作用。 Despite facing threats and personal attacks, Willis expressed her determination to continue her role in the Georgia 2020 election interference case against former President Trump and his allies.