CGI Inc. 任命 François Boulanger 为下一任首席执行官,自 10 月 1 日起生效,接替退休的 George Schindler。 CGI Inc. appoints François Boulanger as next CEO, effective October 1, replacing retiring George Schindler.
CGI Inc. 任命 François Boulanger 为下一任首席执行官,自 10 月 1 日起生效。 CGI Inc. appoints François Boulanger as next CEO, effective October 1. 现任总裁兼首席运营官的布朗热 (Boulanger) 将接替即将退休的乔治·辛德勒 (George Schindler),后者将继续担任董事会成员,并担任创始人兼执行董事长塞尔吉·戈丁 (Serge Godin) 的战略顾问。 Boulanger, currently president and COO, will replace retiring George Schindler, who will continue serving on the board and as strategic adviser to founder and executive chairman Serge Godin. 这家科技和商业咨询公司已经为实现首席执行官的平稳过渡筹划了数年。 The tech and business consulting company has planned for a smooth CEO transition for several years.