印度裔送货司机 Sivam Karuppan 在新加坡被判入狱 30 个月。 Indian-origin delivery driver Sivam Karuppan jailed for 30 months in Singapore.
42 岁的印度裔送货司机 Sivam Karuppan 因在与批发分销商 Chee Song Foods 合作期间盗窃价值超过 170,000 新加坡元的肉制品,在新加坡被判入狱 30 个月。 Indian-origin delivery driver Sivam Karuppan, 42, was jailed for 30 months in Singapore for stealing meat products worth over SGD 170,000 while working with wholesale distributor Chee Song Foods. 卡鲁潘将偷来的肉卖给了一名顾客,并将销售收益留给了自己和另一名同事。 Karuppan sold the stolen meat to a customer, keeping the sales proceeds for himself and another colleague. 他的同案被告、仓库主管 Neshan Gunasundram 也面临指控;针对他的案件正在审理中。 His co-accused, warehouse supervisor Neshan Gunasundram, also faces charges; a case against him is pending.