本田在 ACT 博览会上展示了一款续航里程为 400 英里的 8 级氢燃料电池卡车概念车。 Honda unveils a Class 8 hydrogen fuel cell truck concept with 400-mile range at ACT Expo.
本田在 ACT 博览会上首次推出了 8 级氢燃料电池卡车概念车,续航里程为 400 英里,与通用汽车合作开发。 Honda debuts a Class 8 Hydrogen Fuel Cell Truck Concept at ACT Expo, boasting a 400-mile range and developed in collaboration with General Motors. 该卡车配备三个 80kW 燃料电池系统,旨在进入更清洁的运输解决方案市场。 The truck features three 80kW fuel cell systems and aims to enter the market for cleaner transportation solutions. 本田计划利用其燃料电池系统进军四个市场:轻型车、商用车、建筑设备和固定发电站。 Honda plans to penetrate four markets with its fuel cell system: Light-duty vehicles, commercial vehicles, construction equipment, and stationary power stations.