国民党制定战略保护农业用地免受绿色能源转移的影响。 The Nationals plan strategies to protect agriculture land from green energy shift.
国民党计划在绿色能源转型过程中宣布保护农业用地的措施。 The Nationals plan to announce protection measures for agriculture land amid the green energy transition. 他们的能源计划即将完成,将与工党的可再生能源计划产生明显差异,后者需要更多的土地清理和水资源利用。 Their energy plans, to be finalised soon, will offer a clear difference to Labor's renewables push, which requires more land clearing and water resource usage. 该党还将寻求取消对农业产生负面影响的工党关键政策,包括恢复农业签证和活羊出口。 The party will also seek to undo key Labor policies negatively impacting agriculture, including reinstating the Ag Visa and live sheep exports.