伊朗总统莱西恐在直升机坠毁事件中丧生。 Iranian President Raisi feared dead in helicopter crash.
伊朗总统易卜拉欣·莱西在该国西北部旅行时因直升机坠毁事件不幸丧生。 Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi is feared dead in a helicopter crash while traveling in the country's northwest. 这架载有莱希和其他官员的直升机在大雾中“硬着陆”。 The helicopter, carrying Raisi and other officials, experienced a "hard landing" in heavy fog. 俄罗斯当局已派出一支由50人组成的专业山地救援队协助搜寻坠毁的直升机。 Russian authorities have sent a 50-person specialist mountain rescue team to aid in the search for the crashed helicopter. 这一事件引发了人们对其对美国和伊朗之间正在进行的国际危机产生影响的担忧。 The incident has raised concerns about the impact on ongoing international crises involving the U.S. and Iran.