97 岁的 D-Day 无线电操作员玛丽·斯科特回忆起传递信息时听到的可怕的战争声音。 97-year-old D-Day radio operator Marie Scott recalls horrific war sounds while relaying messages.
97 岁的 D-Day 无线电操作员玛丽·斯科特曾在皇家海军女子服务队 (WRNS) 服役,她回忆起战争期间传递信息时听到的恐怖的枪声、炸弹声和尖叫声。 97-year-old D-Day radio operator, Marie Scott, who served in the Women's Royal Naval Service (WRNS), recalls the horrific sounds of gunfire, bombs, and screaming while relaying messages during the war. 作为一名接线员,她在诺曼底登陆前两个月(17岁)接受了无线电操作培训。 As a switchboard operator, she was trained to use a radio two months before D-Day at the age of 17. 简陋的广播系统每次只能允许一个人讲话,这是她第一次通过耳机直接听到战争声音,这是一次令人震惊且难忘的经历。 The simple radio system allowed only one person to speak at a time, and the first time she heard war directly through her headphones, it was a shocking and unforgettable experience.