阿利耶夫总统谴责在阿拉兹河水电站落成典礼期间对地区事务进行非地区干涉。 President Aliyev condemns non-regional interference in regional affairs during Araz River hydroelectric complex inauguration.
伊利哈姆·阿利耶夫总统表示,域外国家干涉本地区事务是不可接受的。 President Ilham Aliyev states that non-regional countries' interference in regional affairs is unacceptable. 他在阿拉兹河“Khudafarin”和“Giz Galasi”水电站落成典礼上补充说,该地区的发展应该通过当地人民的意愿来确保。 Development of the region should be secured through the will of local people, he added during the inauguration of the "Khudafarin" and "Giz Galasi" hydroelectric complexes on the Araz River. 阿利耶夫强调,任何不适当和不必要的干预都没有、也不会带来结果。 Aliyev emphasized that any inappropriate and unnecessary intervention has not and will not bring about results.