莫迪总理指责国大党将企业家视为敌人,将他们的策略与纳萨尔派进行比较,并批评了贾姆谢德布尔的王朝政治。 PM Modi accused Congress of viewing entrepreneurs as enemies, compared their tactics to Naxalites, and criticized dynastic politics in Jamshedpur.
印度总理纳伦德拉·莫迪在贾姆谢德布尔的一次公开会议上指责国大党将企业家视为国家的敌人,并将他们所谓的敲诈勒索手段与纳萨尔派的手段进行了比较。 Prime Minister Narendra Modi accused the Congress party of viewing entrepreneurs as enemies of the country and compared their alleged extortion tactics to those of the Naxalites during a public meeting in Jamshedpur. 他声称国大党及其盟友对该国的工业不感兴趣,只关注腐败和勒索。 He claimed that the Congress party and its allies have no interest in the country's industries, focusing solely on corruption and extortion.