5 月 17 日,一名 28 岁的怀俄明州女性在渥太华县路口的汽车与水泥车相撞事故中身亡。 28-year-old Wyoming woman dies in car-cement truck collision at Ottawa County intersection on May 17.
一名 28 岁的怀俄明州女子在渥太华县乡村路口驾驶的汽车与一辆水泥车相撞,不幸身亡。 28-year-old Wyoming woman dies after her car collides with a cement truck at a rural Ottawa County intersection. 事故发生在5月17日,当时这名妇女的车在密歇根州布伦登镇第72大道与泰勒街交叉口被一辆水泥车撞倒。 The accident occurred on May 17, when the woman's car was hit by a cement truck at the intersection of 72nd Avenue and Tyler Street in Blendon Township, Michigan. 43岁的水泥车司机在事故中没有受伤。 The 43-year-old cement truck driver was uninjured in the crash. 该路口因调查而关闭了几个小时,之后才重新开放。 The intersection was closed for several hours for investigation before reopening.