ROH女子世界冠军雅典娜在一场比赛中腿部受伤。 ROH Women's World Champion Athena sustained a leg injury during a match.
ROH 女子世界冠军雅典娜在最近的 ROH 电视录制中对阵 Viva Fan 的比赛中左腿受伤。 ROH Women's World Champion Athena suffered an injury to her left leg during a match against Viva Fan at recent ROH TV tapings. 受伤原因是雅典娜向范冲去,范蹲下并拉动中间的绳索,导致她穿过绳索并摔倒在地。 The injury occurred when Athena charged at Van, who ducked and pulled the middle rope, causing her to go through the ropes and land on the floor. 比赛结束后,她一瘸一拐地走着,并得到了 AEW/ROH 官员的帮助。 She limped after the match and received assistance from AEW/ROH officials. 目前伤势严重程度尚不清楚。 The severity of the injury is currently unknown.