湾区邮件窃贼偷窃邮箱钥匙、袭击邮递员,帕洛阿尔托警方和美国邮政服务公司正在调查此案。 Mail thieves in the Bay Area steal mailbox keys, assault mail carriers, investigated by Palo Alto police and USPS.
湾区的窃贼把目标对准了邮递员,窃取他们的邮箱钥匙。 Thieves in the Bay Area are targeting mail carriers, stealing their mailbox keys. 帕洛阿尔托警方和美国邮政服务公司正在调查一系列抢劫案,其中包括两名男子在中城袭击一名邮递员,然后驾驶一辆黑色日产 Altima 逃跑的事件。 Palo Alto police and the USPS are investigating a series of robberies, including an incident where two men assaulted a mail carrier in Midtown before fleeing in a black Nissan Altima. 此前,该半岛又逮捕了两名涉及类似犯罪的嫌疑人。 This follows two other recent arrests of suspects involved in similar crimes on the Peninsula.