AI语言模型OpenAI的Chat GPT可以协助完成任务,但本身无法编写代码。 AI language model OpenAI's Chat GPT assists with tasks, but cannot write code itself.
Chat GPT 是 OpenAI 开发的一种人工智能语言模型,它可以对问题生成类似人类的回答,并可协助完成内容创建和客户服务等任务。 Chat GPT, an AI language model by OpenAI, generates human-like responses to questions and can assist with tasks like content creation and customer service. 它经过大量文本数据的训练,但不能自己编写代码。 It is trained on vast text data, but can't write code itself. 用户需要使用 Python、Java、C++ 或 JavaScript 等编程语言来编写特定任务的算法和代码。 Users need to use programming languages like Python, Java, C++, or JavaScript to write algorithms and code for specific tasks. 虽然 Chat GPT 不能直接编写代码,但它可以成为练习和学习编程技能的宝贵工具。 While Chat GPT can't directly write code, it can be a valuable tool for practicing and learning programming skills.