土耳其与中国电动汽车制造商比亚迪和奇瑞就工厂投资进行了深入谈判。 Turkey in advanced talks with Chinese electric vehicle makers BYD and Chery for factory investments.
土耳其工业技术部长法提赫·卡西尔表示,土耳其正在与中国电动汽车制造商比亚迪和奇瑞就在土耳其投资工厂进行深入谈判。 Turkey is in advanced talks with Chinese electric vehicle manufacturers BYD and Chery for factory investments in the country, according to Minister of Industry and Technology, Fatih Kacir. 这些投资可以帮助中国企业利用土耳其与欧盟的关税同盟协议增加对欧洲的销售。 These investments could help the Chinese companies increase sales to Europe, taking advantage of Turkey's customs union agreement with the EU. 与上汽集团和长城汽车股份有限公司的单独谈判也在进行中。 Separate negotiations with SAIC Motor Corp. and Great Wall Motor Co. are also underway.