纳什维尔 SC 在 2-0 获胜后解雇了主教练加里史密斯。 Nashville SC fires head coach Gary Smith after 2-0 win.
在纳什维尔足球俱乐部以 2-0 战胜多伦多足球俱乐部后,纳什维尔足球俱乐部解雇了主教练加里史密斯,当时该队的战绩为 3-4-5。 Nashville SC fired head coach Gary Smith following a 2-0 win over Toronto FC, with the team having a 3-4-5 record. 加里·史密斯曾担任该俱乐部七个赛季的教练,并带领该俱乐部连续六个赛季进入美国足球冠军联赛和美国职业足球大联盟的季后赛。 Gary Smith had been the club's coach for seven seasons and led them to six consecutive seasons of playoffs in the USL Championship and MLS. 助理教练史蒂夫·古皮也离开了俱乐部。 Assistant coach Steve Guppy also left the club. 前球员、现任球员发展教练 Rumba Munthali 将担任临时教练,纳什维尔 SC 正在寻找新的主教练。 Rumba Munthali, a former player and current player development coach, will serve as interim coach while Nashville SC searches for a new head coach.