马萨诸塞州一名青少年的死亡与“一块薯片挑战”有关,原因是他摄入了过多的辣椒提取物并且患有心脏病。 Massachusetts teen's death linked to "One Chip Challenge" due to high chile extract and pre-existing heart condition.
马萨诸塞州一名青少年的死亡与“一片薯片挑战”有关,他在挑战中吃了一片辣味玉米片以追随社交媒体潮流。 A Massachusetts teen's death has been linked to the "One Chip Challenge," where he consumed a spicy tortilla chip as part of a social media trend. 法医得出结论,由于他之前患有心脏病,芯片中高含量的辣椒提取物是导致他死亡的原因之一。 The medical examiner concluded that the high chile extract content in the chip contributed to his death, as he had a pre-existing heart condition. 事件发生后,该芯片制造商将该产品下架,并从其网站上删除了该挑战。 The chipmaker pulled the product from shelves after the incident and removed the challenge from their website.