Glenmark Pharmaceuticals 获得 FDA 批准,可生产与 Combigan 等效的酒石酸布莫尼定和马来酸噻吗洛尔滴眼液。 Glenmark Pharmaceuticals receives FDA approval for Brimonidine Tartrate and Timolol Maleate Ophthalmic Solution, equivalent to Combigan.
Glenmark Pharmaceuticals 的酒石酸布莫尼定马来酸噻吗洛尔滴眼液 0.2%|0.5% 获得 FDA 最终批准,该药物被视为与 AbbVie 的 Combigan 滴眼液等效。 Glenmark Pharmaceuticals receives final FDA approval for its Brimonidine Tartrate and Timolol Maleate Ophthalmic Solution 0.2%|0.5%, deemed equivalent to AbbVie's Combigan Ophthalmic Solution. 美国 Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Inc. 将在美国分销该产品,Combigan 在美国的年销售额达到 2.9 亿美元。 Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Inc., USA, will distribute the product in the US, where Combigan reached $290m annual sales. 格兰马克在美国市场上共有 196 种授权产品,另有 51 种产品正在等待 FDA 批准。 Glenmark has 196 authorized products in the US market, and 51 pending FDA approvals.