三角洲警方对伯恩斯维尤中学的虚假枪支报告展开了调查,导致该校被封锁并随后进入“扣留并安全”状态。 Delta police investigated a false firearm report at Burnsview Secondary School, leading to a lockdown and subsequent "hold and secure" status.
三角洲警方正在调查伯恩斯维尤中学有人携带枪支的虚假报告,该事件导致该校被封锁。 Delta police are investigating a false report of a person with a firearm at Burnsview Secondary School, resulting in a lockdown. 上午 11 点 55 分,警方接到报警后,学校被封锁,目击者看到外面有多辆警车,还有携带步枪的警察。 The school was placed on lockdown after a call at 11:55 a.m., and witnesses saw multiple police vehicles and officers with rifles present outside. 经评估,警员认定该报告为虚假,将学校状态升级为“控制并确保安全”。 Upon assessment, officers determined the report was false, upgrading the school status to "hold and secure."