阿拉巴马州 ADECA 将于 5 月 18 日至 26 日举办在线州剩余物品拍卖会,拍卖各种物品。 Alabama's ADECA hosts an online state surplus auction from May 18-26, featuring various items.
阿拉巴马州经济和社区事务部 (ADECA) 将于 5 月 18 日至 5 月 26 日举办在线州剩余物品拍卖会,拍卖品包括汽车、卡车、货车、农业设备、自行车和电子产品等。 The Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs (ADECA) hosts an online state surplus auction from May 18 to May 26, featuring items such as cars, trucks, vans, agricultural equipment, bicycles, and electronics. 5 月 22 日至 5 月 24 日期间,公众可前往位于蒙哥马利的 ADECA 剩余财产部门配送中心参观。 Public viewing is available at ADECA's Surplus Property Division's distribution center in Montgomery from May 22 to May 24. 如需了解更多信息,请访问 ADECA 的剩余网站或致电 (334) 284-0577。 For more information, visit ADECA's surplus website or call (334) 284-0577.