佛罗里达州发生一起巴士与卡车相撞的事故,造成 8 人死亡,8 人受伤。 8 killed, 8 injured in Florida bus-truck crash involving.
一辆载有农场工人的巴士在佛罗里达州马里恩县 40 号国道上与一辆皮卡车相撞,造成 8 人死亡,8 人受伤。 8 people were killed and 8 injured in a bus carrying farm workers that crashed with a pickup truck on State Road 40 in Marion County, Florida. 事故原因正在调查中。 The cause of the accident is under investigation. 墨西哥驻奥兰多领事馆已开通紧急热线,收集有关事故受害者及其家属的信息,佛罗里达州农场工人协会也已开始为受害者及其家属筹集善款。 The Mexican Consulate in Orlando has opened emergency lines to gather information about the crash victims and their families, and a fundraiser has been started by the Farmworker Association of Florida for the victims and their families.