亚特兰大猎鹰队四分卫柯克·考辛斯 (Kirk Cousins) 讨论了选秀迈克尔·佩尼克斯 (Michael Penix Jr.) 的事情。 Atlanta Falcons QB Kirk Cousins discussed the drafting of Michael Penix Jr.
亚特兰大猎鹰队四分卫柯克·考辛斯首次谈及迈克尔·佩尼克斯二世的选秀,他表示两名球员之间并无矛盾。 Atlanta Falcons QB Kirk Cousins addressed the drafting of Michael Penix Jr. for the first time, stating there is no beef between the two players. 考辛斯在三月份签下了一份为期四年价值 1.8 亿美元的合同,他对球队用状元签选中佩尼克斯的决定感到惊讶。 Cousins, who was signed to a $180m, four-year deal in March, was surprised by the team's decision to select Penix with the No. 四月份第 8 顺位选秀。 8 overall pick in April. 尽管这一举动出人意料,考辛斯仍然专注于赢得超级碗,并强调所有球员团结一致的重要性。 Despite the unexpected move, Cousins remains focused on winning a Super Bowl and emphasizes the importance of all players being on the same page.