迪士尼频道明星赛琳娜·戈麦斯宣布重启《少年魔法师》,亚历克斯·罗素和贾斯汀·罗素将出演成人角色。 Disney Channel star Selena Gomez announces "Wizards Beyond Waverly Place" reboot, featuring Alex and Justin Russo in adult roles.
迪士尼频道明星赛琳娜·戈麦斯透露了《少年魔法师》重新开播的片名,现名为《少年魔法师 3:超越少年魔法师》。 Disney Channel star Selena Gomez revealed the title for the Wizards of Waverly Place reboot, now called "Wizards Beyond Waverly Place". 戈麦斯和联合主演大卫·亨利将继续扮演亚历克斯和贾斯汀·鲁索的角色,新剧集将讲述成年后的贾斯汀选择与家人过上普通人的生活的故事。 Gomez and co-star David Henrie will reprise their roles as Alex and Justin Russo, and the new series will follow an adult Justin, who has chosen to lead a normal, mortal life with his family. 续集将于今年晚些时候在迪士尼频道和 Disney+ 上首播。 The sequel is set to debut on Disney Channel and Disney+ later this year.