坦帕湾光芒队以 5-3 击败波士顿红袜队,凭借阿梅德·罗萨里奥的关键安打,光芒队的战绩提升至 21-21。 Tampa Bay Rays defeated Boston Red Sox 5-3, with Amed Rosario's key hits, improving Rays' record to 21-21.
周一晚上,坦帕湾光芒队在芬威球场以 5-3 战胜波士顿红袜队,阿梅德·罗萨里奥在第一局击出两分三垒安打,并击出一记有打点的二垒安打,为球队的胜利做出了重要贡献。 The Tampa Bay Rays secured a 5-3 victory over the Boston Red Sox on Monday night at Fenway Park, with Amed Rosario contributing significantly to the win by hitting a two-run triple in the first inning and an RBI double. 光芒队目前已经赢下了最近十场比赛中的七场,战绩提升至 21-21。 The Rays have now won seven of their last ten games, improving their record to 21-21. 这场比赛标志着双方10天内7场比赛的开始。 The game marked the beginning of a stretch of seven games against each other in 10 days.