詹妮弗·洛佩兹在接受采访时表示有兴趣在印度举办一场公众音乐会。 Jennifer Lopez expresses interest in hosting a public concert in India during an interview.
詹妮弗·洛佩兹表示有兴趣在印度举办一场音乐会,并愿意为那里的粉丝表演。 Jennifer Lopez shares interest in hosting a concert in India, open to performing for fans there. 这位以音乐、电影和时尚闻名的国际明星曾在印度举办过私人音乐会,但也愿意公开表演。 The international star, known for her music, films, and fashion, has previously performed in private concerts in India but is open to a public show. 洛佩兹将在布拉德佩顿的《阿特拉斯》中扮演主角,她在接受 News18 Showsha 的独家采访时表达了她想去印度演出的愿望。 Lopez, who will play the main character in Brad Peyton's 'Atlas', expressed her desire to perform in India during an exclusive interview with News18 Showsha.