前西弗吉尼亚州卫生官员蒂莫西·普里迪被判缓刑。 Former West Virginia health official Timothy Priddy sentenced to probation.
西弗吉尼亚州前卫生官员蒂莫西·普里迪 (Timothy Priddy) 因在核实该州与 COVID-19 测试相关的供应商发票方面撒谎而被判处一年缓刑。 A former West Virginia state health official, Timothy Priddy, has been sentenced to one year of probation for lying about verifying vendor invoices related to COVID-19 tests for the state. 普里迪承认向调查人员作出虚假陈述,并被指控在返校计划中就核实 COVID-19 测试发票撒谎。 Priddy pleaded guilty to making a false statement to investigators and was charged with lying about verifying invoices for COVID-19 tests as part of a back-to-school program. 他将面临最高五年监禁和 25 万美元罚款。 He faced up to five years in prison and a $250,000 fine.