斯特拉诺拉 (Stranorlar) 发生的一起车祸损坏了 ESB 杆和电缆,导致道路暂时封闭进行维修。 1-vehicle crash in Stranorlar damages ESB pole and cables, causing temporary road closure for repairs.
斯特拉诺拉 (Stranorlar) 发生的一起单车事故造成 ESB 杆和电缆损坏,导致 Meetinghouse Street 至 Kilross Junction 的道路暂时封闭。 A single-vehicle crash in Stranorlar caused an ESB pole and cables damage, leading to a temporary road closure from Meetinghouse Street to Kilross Junction. 由于 ESB 维修,该道路将保持关闭直至下午 6 点。 The road will remain closed until 6pm for ESB repairs. 当地允许通行,并允许直通交通改道,没有人员受伤的报告。 Local access allowed with diversions for through traffic, no injuries reported. 当局正在努力保护该地区并恢复电力基础设施。 Authorities working to secure area and restore electricity infrastructure.